Traveling to Bali can be a very safe experience, so long as you take the necessary precautions- 1. The most important thing to do when traveling anywhere is to stay aware of your surroundings and to have an understanding of the local culture and customs. 2. In Bali, try to avoid walking or driving in isolated or dark areas, especially at night. Markets in Bali get closed at 10 PM after that all roads are vacant, and you can be robbed so try to take a cab after 10 PM. 3. Do not carry all documents & cash with you keep them safe in your hotel locker. Ensure that you always carry a copy of your passport in case it is lost or stolen. 4. Don't trust all money changers, prefer reputed ones at airports, etc. 5. If you are using the internet, make sure to stick to using reputable websites and do not open suspicious emails or links.
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