Photo of Deepika Gumaste

Deepika Gumaste

I have been working as a communications consultant with Text100 Global Communications for over a period of 4 years now. I belong to a family of nerds and travel lovers and therefore have been given itchy feet genetically. As I enter the fifth year of my stint at my company, a minor health scare has pushed me to take a forced two month sabbatical. While I work at getting myself in the right spirits of health, I decided to stop dreaming about my old and trodden passion for travel and utilize this time to share my ideas about travel and experiences through my travel blog. As I take these baby steps towards a total revamp of my physical and mental outlook, I hope to take my love for travel to another level and ensure that I experience the mystical and expansive universe, of which we are a mere particle. As they say—- “Travel- Not so the world can see you; but you can see the world.”