Chamoli Tourism and Travel Guide

Situated at an altitude of about 1300 metres above sea level, the town of Chamoli in Uttaranchal is also known as "the Abode of Gods". The reason for this is the fact that this place has a number of popular legends related to Hindu gods and goddesses. Also, Chamoli is the origin point of the famous Chipko Movement. This movement shifted focus of people and the governments towards our nature and natural beauty and also the exploitation done to it continuously. Chamoli is a part of the Kedar Khand and has a number of villages known for the typical Garhwali culture and lifestyles. Scenic beauty is the main attraction in this town. The other tourist attractions here apart from the lush greenery and picturesque views are the valley of Gopeshwar, Badrinath, Hemakund Sahib, Auli and others.
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